the village of Kvilda (Außergefild in German) lies in the middle of the Šumava National Park - the largest national park in the Czech Republic
altitude: 1,065 m (highest village in the Czech Republic)
the average temperature on Jezerní slat is 2 °C
the minimum daily temperature of -41.6 °C was measured on January 30, 1987 at Jezerní slat
the maximum daily temperature of 31.3 °C was measured in July 2005 at Jezerní slat
the average number of frosty days in Horská Kvilda was 224
the annual maximum amount of precipitation was 1538 mm in 1995 at Kvilda
the annual minimum amount of precipitation was 700 mm in 1971 at Kvilda
the average annual rainfall in Kvilda was 1165 mm
the daily maximum amount of precipitation was recorded on June 15, 1969 at Kvilda (value 103 mm)
the maximum snow height of 225 cm was found on Kvilda in March 1988
the longest Czech river Vltava originates in the cadastre of the village, the length of the stream is 430 km
as of 1/1/2022, the village had 125 permanently registered residents
up to 1,000,000 visitors visit Kvilda per year
on Kvilda is the longest groomed sledding slope in Šumava
in Kvilda, approx. 60 km of cross-country tracks are groomed every winter
films were shot on Kvilda: King of Šumava (1959), Behind the Thorn Bush (1980), On the Poacher's Trail (1979), Under the Badger Rock (1978), Black Wolf (1971), Markéta Lazarová (1967), Modrava Police (2019)